Mimi, Money and Me
Mimi, Money and Me: 101 Realities About Money Daddy Never Taught Me But Mama Always Knew
- Endorsed by the Washington Post
- Offers a no-nonsense approach to financial independence
- A wide-ranging financial guidebook written in simple, easy-to-understand English
- Serves as a valuable financial information resource for all age groups
- Gives you the tools needed to take charge of your financial life
- An instructive, entertaining and lighthearted financial education book
- Gives you the tools needed to take charge of your financial life
- Straight-forward; easily understood; and loaded with information
- Money management concepts explained in 101 easy-to-understand bites
Mimi, Money and Me is a practical, no-nonsense introduction to the realities associated with 101 money-related myths, mistakes, misunderstandings, and misconceptions. The book is instructive, entertaining and light-hearted, and is peppered with “Mimi-isms”—life and money rules to live by—which the author learned from her Mother, Mimi. Guided by Mimi’s teachings and bothered by the realization that so many others have not had the benefit of a parent, teacher or even a friend who could help them navigate around life’s financial roadblocks, Patricia Davis has written a primer on money management that takes some of the mystery out of many of the financial speed bumps you might encounter.
By Michelle Singletary
“Mimi, Money and Me: 101 Realities About Money Daddy Never Taught Me but Mama Always Knew,” by Patricia A. Davis (Davis Financial Services, $19.99). This self-published book is a sweet testimony to the author’s mother, Beatrice Staunton, who had to raise the last three of her five children alone after her husband died in 1960. I met Staunton and daughter Patricia when they came to a reception I gave nine years ago for my annual Penny Pincher of the Year contest. Davis channels her mother’s common-sense approach about money by putting together a basic book that includes solid tips on budgeting, banking, credit, insurance and estate planning. You can find this book at Amazon.com.